The Zero Ceiling team are devastated and outraged by the murder of George Floyd and countless other Black victims by police officers in Minneapolis last week. We support the protests and calls for justice and an end to white supremacy that are ringing out across the globe. We condemn the past and continued violence and racism against Black bodies by those in power.
The world has been called upon to witness and participate in the liberation of Black people from oppression. To use our privilege to reform the systems built to keep people down and afraid for their lives. Now we must do the complicated work of building a better future. We must listen. We must speak out. We must empower. We must heal. Only then can there be true peace.Zero Ceiling commits to doing our part in creating an anti-racist world. We will do the work asked of us to amplify Black voices. We will do the work to break down barriers within ourselves and within our community. We will do the work to vote in those who are informed and are committed to policy that promotes justice.
We ask that you join us in taking a stand against racism and oppression. Donate to funds that support Black activism. Educate yourself by searching for Black creators and listening to their stories. Challenge racist comments and actions from your friends, family, and colleagues. Practice self care so you can keep showing up as an ally, even when the hashtags stop. Don’t turn away.
Black lives have always mattered.
Photo by @BlackLivesMatter