RentSmart Education Opens Doors to Healthy Rentals

RentSmart Education Opens Doors to Healthy Rentals

In 2020, we introduced the RentSmart Certificate to the Life Skills Education curriculum for our Work 2 Live crew. In our last post, we told you how important supportive housing is for keeping a community’s most vulnerable residents healthy. In this blog, you...
Supportive Housing Ends Homelessness for BC Youths

Supportive Housing Ends Homelessness for BC Youths

Supportive housing in BC is gaining more recognition as a key way to prevent homelessness. In the social service field, it is considered best practice in a laundry list of possible interventions when supporting individuals with barriers. However, to the average...
Survival Mode: Mental wellbeing in the time of COVID-19

Survival Mode: Mental wellbeing in the time of COVID-19

May 4-10 is the Canadian Mental Health Association’s Mental Health Week. To celebrate, we are bringing you another letter from Rhianna, our Case Worker. She connects with our participants nearly every day, and we wanted her to share what mental health and...